Bring your pets inside.

Shechaim's News of the Day


If we could only learn to love each other half as much as our pets love us, what a great world we would be living in?

If it’s too cold for you it’s too cold for your pets Bring them inside.

This is a photo found going around Facebook, it looks real bad for any pet or people for that matter.

I was so upset when first seeing this I wanted to join a posse looking for and tying up the owner/owners in a walk in freezer until you would need an ice pick to free them!

Then I remember Luke, “may he rest in peace”.

No, my pal Luke just got old one day.

Luke lived most of his life in L. A. California, until I stole him, his sister and his pet (Donna) to New England.


The first snow that year dumped 18″…

View original post 197 more words

2 responses

  1. Thank you for your re-posting to help get the word out.

    1. you’re welcome!

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